New Leaf Energy Wellness - Holistic Healing services for highly stressed & overwhelmed women
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Are you ready to take things to the next level and unlock your inner healing power to bloom? If so, this package is for you.



  • 8 private one-on-one 50 minute healing sessions

  • 2 custom wild crafted flower essence combinations

  • VIP coaching & healing support via email in between healing sessions

  • Bonus Energy Wellness and Grounding tools​ specific to your needs and goals



This package is for ambitious women who want accelerated results and are ready to wave good-bye to stress, anxiety and overwhelm once and for all.


Tracy uses her diverse background and sought-after combination of skills to support you in gaining more peace of mind and confidence while removing debilitating emotional, mental and physical blocks to you living your BEST life both personally and professionally.


To request this package please click the Get Started button below. You will be contacted within 1-3 business days to book a complimentary wellness call with Tracy designed to help you get clear on what you want, what's holding you back, and your next best step to take. 


Tracy has a limited number of appointments available each month due to her full schedule and they often book up quickly so don't delay. Schedule your complimentary session today!

I was hesitant to spend the money and make this investment in myself but I am so glad that I did. Before working with Tracy I was scattered, ungrounded and could never seem to get away from anxiety and stress. Since working with her for these past 2 months I am so certain and calm and grounded. I feel like a new person. I looked forward to my sessions with Tracy and have since signed up for another package to continue my journey, I recommend her work to everyone. She is one talented lady and knows exactly what I need at exactly the right time.

- Sherri Logan

Like many other women I have lived putting my needs last for 45 years. This came to a head one day and a friend of mine recommended I reach out to Tracy (her energy healer) for help. I had a wellness call with her and she laid out a plan for supporting me to get clear on what I wanted in life and learn who I was and how to have better boundaries with people. My time with her was very supportive and transformational. I no longer shy away from my own needs or feel bad asking for what I want. Tracy helped me to see my value and I have since taken up painting, a hobby I forgot about nearly 20 years ago. I could not be happier with the results.

- Lauren Gailey

These past couple of years were really hard on me and I was looking for help with my emotions. I have always been afraid to feel my emotions but Tracy help safe space for me to give voice to my pain and heal my old wounds. She also taught me how my mind works and how I can change my life by first becoming aware of what my thoughts are. I am still working with Tracy and look forward to my sessions with her through zoom.

- Jamie W.


Image by William Farlow


Cleanses the body of toxins and supports the immune system.

Image by Darius Bashar


Clears the mind and improves overall focus and well-being.

Image by Gian Cescon


Accelerates the body's own self healing abilities and removes energy blocks.

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